
Greene among nine counties statewide rolling out new voting machines

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Greene County voters will be the first in the tri-county area today to use new machines with a paper record they can review and verify.

After conducting demonstrations at both Democratic and Republican Party meetings and at all senior citizen centers except Bobtown, Tina Kiger, Greene County elections director, anticipates perhaps a little longer wait today to go through the voting process.

“It may not be much of a learning curve,” Kiger said. “All we’re doing is throwing a piece of paper in a scanner.”

But, she allowed, “You never know with first-time use.”

There will be privacy screens around the devices to maintain ballot secrecy.

Polling places across Pennsylvania open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.

In Greene, Kiger predicts a turnout of about 34 percent, with the commissioners’ and district attorney’s races drawing the lion’s share of attention.

Her counterpart in Washington County, Melanie Ostrander, pegged turnout today at “less than 25 percent based on the number of absentee ballots received and the amount of phone calls” which has been, she said, “rather light.”

The Washington County Elections Office had 822 applications for absentee ballots. Democrats sent back 342 and Republicans returned 208, presumably with votes.

There are just two statewide races this year, for judgeships on Superior Court. Democrats will see the names of Beth Tarasi and Amanda Green-Hawkins, both of Allegheny County, and Daniel D. McCaffery of Philadelphia. Republican candidates are Rebecca Warren of Luzerne County, Megan McCarthy King of Chester County and Christylee Peck of Cumberland County.

Here is a list of candidates seeking countywide office:

Greene County


Democrats Blair Zimmerman, Dave Coder, Charles Morris, Lisa Sowden; Republicans, Archie Trader, Betsy Rohanna McClure, Mike Belding

District attorney

Democrats Patrick Fitch, Jessica Phillips; Republican, David Russo


Democrats Ami Cree, Sheila Elliott Stewart

Running unopposed are Democrats Sherry Wise, clerk of courts; Prothonotary Susan White; Register and Recorder Donna Tharp; and Treasurer Cory Grandel

For magisterial district judge, incumbent Lee Watson is unopposed as a Democrat for the only open magisterial seat, a six-year term.

Washington County

Judge of the Court of Common Pleas

Joyce Hatfield Wise and Traci McDonald Kemp have cross-filed for a seventh seat approved at the state level. They are seeking a 10-year term.


Democrats Larry Maggi, Harlan Shober, Bobby Dellorso; Republicans Nick Sherman, Diana Irey Vaughan, Jason White

Register of wills/clerk of Orphans’ Court

Democrats Bob Sabot, Judith L. Fisher, Suzanne Archer; Republicans James Roman, Jerad Cypher


Democrats Lisa F. Carpenter, Joe Manning; Republicans Tom Flickinger, David A. Borodaty

Running unopposed for district attorney are Democrat M. Jacob Mihalov, who will be challenging incumbent Republican Eugene Vittone; for clerk of courts, Republican Brenda Davis, who will be challenging incumbent Democrat Frank Scandale; and for prothonotary, Republican Laura Hough, who will be challenging incumbent Democrat Joy Schury Ranko. No Republican filed to challenge incumbent Democratic Coroner S. Timothy Warco, who, in a mailer, said he is also seeking a GOP nomination. All county offices are four-year terms.

Magisterial district judges

All candidates have cross-filed.

Mon Valley district based in Charleroi, Eric Porter, Suzanne M. Ruschak

Canonsburg-Houston district, James Saieva Jr., Chuckie Tenny, Glenn Alterio, Charles E. Kurowski

North and South Strabane and East Washington, Jay Banaszak, Michael Manfredi, Clark Mitchell Jr., Dawn R. Petrosky

California area, incumbent District Judge Joshua Kanalis, unopposed

City, township and borough offices, plus school directorships, are also on the ballot this year.

In Washington County, voters in two Canton Township precincts have been assigned to a new location.

Instead of voting at the township road department, 655 Grove Ave., voters from both Canton 1 and Canton 4 will cast ballots at the fire hall, 700 Weirich Ave. Voters in Canton 4 formerly voted at Friendship Community Church.


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