Charleroi man accused of domestic assault faces new obstruction charges

A Charleroi man facing charges for a domestic assault has now been charged with obstruction of justice and witness intimidation for allegedly offering a woman money in exchange for dropping the charges.
Welmar Adonay Rosales-Baides, 33, of 223 Fallowfield Ave., was charged with obstruction of justice, a first-degree felony, and additional felony charges of witness intimidation, criminal use of a communication facility, hindering prosecution and a misdemeanor for harassment by borough police Monday.
Rosales-Baides had been charged with aggravated assault, strangulation and simple assault on May 5.
According to the criminal complaint, when police followed up with the alleged victim in the assault case, she showed officers text messages from Rosales-Baides.
“I’m not coming back to Charleroi ’till you drop the charge. What do you want to drop it or how much do you want to drop it,” one text message read, according to police.
The alleged victim told police she was not interested in dropping the charges, and provided them with copies of the text messages.
A preliminary hearing has not yet been scheduled for Rosales-Baides in either case.