Jefferson-Morgan commencement set
Jefferson-Morgan Middle/High School will hold commencement exercises for 54 seniors at 7 p.m. May 30 at Stanley Fowler Auditorium.
Student speakers are Carrington Teasdale, valedictorian, and Cameron Cernuska, salutatorian.
Teasdale is the daughter of Kristin Haywood and Brandon Teasdale of Rices Landing.
She was president of the student council, National Honor Society and Leo Club, and was involved with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, SADD and Foreign Language Club. She was also volleyball team captain.
She received the Kormuth Award of Achievement, Donna Furnier Memorial Scholarship, Chris A. Dugan Memorial Scholarship, Frank and Peggy Behm Award, John T. Toth Memorial Scholarship, Nancy I. Davis Memorial Leadership Scholarship and the West Virginia University Scholarship of Distinction. She was a Student Forum Scholar Leader, Herald-Standard Fall Scholar Athlete, September Lions Club Student of the Month, 2018 District 14-M Leo of the Year.
Teasdale will attend WVU to major in nursing to become a nurse anesthetist.
Cernuska is the son of Steve and Juliann Cernuska of Jefferson.
He was a member of the National Honor Society, Leo Club, PLTW Engineering Club, gifted program, Project Lead the Way Engineering Program, J-M Engineering Team, Greene County Peer Court, Debate Team and Envirothon Team. He served as a peer tutor, and was captain of the Academic League and secretary/treasurer of the Southwestern Regional Science Olympiad Team.
He also was co-captain of the varsity rifle team and varsity golf team.
Among his achievements was attaining the rank of Eagle Scout, and also received various awards, including Academic Excellence Top Ten Students Class of 2019 Award; U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award; 2018-2019 Outstanding Senior Athlete RIFLE; Tri-County Athletic Directors Association Athlete/Scholar Award; Dave Cramer “Perfect Season” Award, Varsity Rifle.
He received the Greene County Association of School Retirees Scholarship; American Legion Filer-Sadlek Post 954, John E. Titus Memorial Scholarship Award; Jefferson-Morgan Elementary PTO Award of Excellence Scholarship; EQT Students of Excellence Scholarship; Gregory and Mary Lou Niverth Scholarship; St. Ann Knights of Columbus Council 12703 Scholarship; Schlumberger Founders Scholarship; General Greene District Scout Scholarship; District 14-M Lions, Ross F. DiMarco Scholarship; Tri-County Athletic Directors Association Athlete/Scholar Scholarship.
Cernuska will be attending Bucknell University, where he will pursue a degree in chemical engineering.