Goodwill appeals for donations

Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania has issued an appeal for donations of clothing and household goods in light of the recent cold weather and heavy snowfall.
“There’s always a slowdown in donations during the winter months.” said Michael Smith, Goodwill SWPA’s President/CEO. “But the severe winter weather we’re having this year has greatly reduced donations, especially during these last two weeks in February. Unfortunately, our stores are now really low on clothing and other donated items.”
Smith said donations are the life-blood of Goodwill stores, which represent well over half of the operating revenues for the diversified human services agency.
“Goodwill stores are important to the community in two ways,” he said. “Many of our customers are on very tight budgets and they rely on the stores’ low prices for their families’ needs, especially with the economic downturns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, revenue from our stores helps to sustain the programs that Goodwill provides for people with employment barriers. Your donations literally help to create jobs.”
In addition to clothing and housewares, Goodwill also needs donations of books, jewelry, computers and other electronic equipment.
Donations may be dropped off at any Goodwill store. Donating to Goodwill is also good for the environment, helping to keep over 15 million pounds of material out of landfills annually. For the safety of donors and Goodwill team members, those donating items to any Goodwill location will use a contact-free donation process. Find the nearest drop off location at
“We greatly appreciate all the support we receive from the community throughout the year, and Goodwill really needs help from the community right now,” Smith said.