Chartiers-Houston superintendent announces plans to retire

After more than 32 years in public education – nearly 20 of them with the Chartiers-Houston School District – Superintendent John George will retire from his position, effective June 30.
The board of school directors accepted George’s letter of resignation during Monday’s meeting.
Board President Richard Hall thanked George for his decades of service and leadership to the district.
“The true strength of your leadership came during the tides of our most dark hours of despair,” said Hall, noting specifically the financial struggles the district encountered in 2014 that resulted in the layoffs of teachers and administrative staff to help erase a $1 million deficit.
“You, Mr. George, pulled us through, and we moved forward together,” said Hall.
Other board members commended George for his dedication to the students – noting that over the years he has has been a frequent spectator at football games and other sports events, plays, and other activities – and called him “an outstanding person.”
George has had lifelong ties to Washington County. He grew up in Monongahela and gradated from Ringgold High School.
He spent 13 years in the Central Greene School District, where he taught special education and served as assistant principal and athletic director.
At Chartiers-Houston, George served as assistant to the superintendent for seven years before he was hired to replace Superintendent Charles Mahoney.