Emergency rental assistance expected end this summer
The emergency rental assistance program in Washington County is expected to end this summer.
Blueprints announced the program’s status in a press release issued this month. The county contracted Blueprints to coordinate the rental assistance program, which launched in March 2021.
The nonprofit received more than $20 million to pay rent and utilities for eligible residents for up to 18 months.
According to the release, Blueprints expects to use up its remaining funding mid-summer.
“We are notifying participants of the approaching end of the emergency rental assistance program so they can take necessary steps to ensure they can pay for their own rental and utility costs in the near future,” said Blueprints’ CEO Darlene J. Bigler. “Blueprints has a variety of programs, including career development and financial literacy, that are designed to help residents obtain employment and manage household budgets.”
Blueprints is still accepting new applications for rental assistance. Households at or below 80% of the area median income are eligible. Applicants must also have experienced job or income loss.
Online applications are available at myblueprints.org.