Help homeless veterans
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I remain concerned about the homeless, particularly temperatures outside are so frigid. And although local shelters may be filled to capacity, there are options for qualified veterans.
Pennsylvania has five facilities in the State Veterans Home System offering a variety of services to qualified veterans. The closest to our area is the Southwestern Veterans Center in Pittsburgh and the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home in Erie. It should be incumbent upon the leadership in local military, civilian and government organizations, in addition to the charitable missions, to assist the homeless veterans in obtaining required services.
It is not enough to just inform the veteran of benefits. We may have to “hold their hand,” if you will, to maneuver through paperwork and provide transportation.
The average citizen can take an interest in helping our veterans in need. Members of military associations can do more to assist the veterans to ensure he or she does not become or remain homeless.
Let us all remember that these homeless people are someone’s daughter and son. Is this the life we want for our children?
Brenda Bennett