Support the Export-Import Bank
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I was disappointed to see that Congress decided to leave for vacation instead of voting to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank, a federal agency that provides financing assistance to U.S. exporters.
Opponents of reauthorization claim that the bank is an outpost of crony capitalism that only helps big business, but they are wrong. Thousands of small businesses rely on the Export-Import Bank to compete effectively in the global arena, and many more indirectly benefit when exporters large and small succeed.
Take my company, Multiscope Document Solutions, as an example. While we do not rely on the Export-Import Bank directly, many of our customers do. When they succeed, our company is able to hire employees and provide long-term career opportunities in the IT and managed print services fields. Indeed, many of these employees are hired to provide services exclusively to these customers, meaning that our customers’ success in the realm of global trade has a direct impact on job creation at our own company.
These are salaried professional positions that include comprehensive benefit plans, where employees can find satisfaction in rewarding careers. Any move that would take jobs like that out of Southwestern Pennsylvania is a bad decision in my book. That’s why I strongly urge U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy to stand with job creators and vote for reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank as soon as he returns from the August recess.
Mike McCay
McCay is the CEO of Multiscope Document Solutions in Southpointe.