The definition of crazy
I agree with many people who believe this presidential election is no longer about the left and the right or the Republicans versus the Democrats. It’s about who is crazy and who is not.
I define crazy as any presidential candidate who, to name a few totally inappropriate behaviors, makes fun of those with disabilities; states he knows more about ISIS than a military general; believes, as a grandiose dictator would, that he is the only person who can fix problems; demeans American Muslim parents who lost a son in Iraq; states a judge cannot be fair because of his Mexican heritage; would be an embarrassment to America when speaking with foreign dignitaries because of his lack of knowledge of world affairs; is disrespectful and uses name-calling as a weapon; is so thin-skinned that he resorts to bullying at the slightest criticism; and demeans potential supporters by stating he would still get support if he shot somebody on the street.
All these behaviors demonstrate poor judgment.
I have confidence in the American people that the tone of this election will change and be about who can best bring our country together and who will remove the negativity, fear and divisions that are being fostered. We will elect a president who provides support to every American regardless of race, gender, who they love or their religious beliefs, and who has a workable plan to continue America’s growth.
In addition, we will elect a president who will work in a bipartisan way and who has a cool head in a crisis.
We can and will change the craziness of this election to one that is more sane and humane.
Brenda Armenini