Don’t attack elderly drivers
Just when I thought it wasn’t possible, you outdid yourself in your attack on elderly drivers in your Jan. 28 editorial.
I am not defending elderly drivers. I am one myself, and I don’t need anyone defending me. My perfect driving record speaks for itself. What I have an issue with are the things you said to sway public opinion to your biased agenda, such as the statement that the only drivers who run off the road are drunks, criminals fleeing the police, and the elderly. Really? What about the people who simply drive too fast and fail to negotiate curves? Or attempt risky passes? There are any number of things that can cause a driver to lose control – trying to avoid a deer, teenagers horsing around, distracted driving or trying to avoid a distracted driver.
In reading the Observer-Reporter every day, it seems to me that what is being reported just doesn’t support what you say the problem with elderly drivers is – at least not to the extent that you say it is.
In reading between the lines in your editorial, I got the impression that you don’t think that anyone beyond a certain age has any business being behind the wheel. As it is now, there is no age limit on being licensed. There are people aged 100 who are still driving.
Raymond Gasher
Scenery Hill