Trump is not qualified
Because I love America and I want to see it succeed, I want to express my opinion on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
He is not qualified to be president of the United States.
I firmly believe he is a racist, is owned by the National Rifle Association and has, sadly, made promises to vulnerable coal miners, steel workers and other potential supporters that he cannot deliver. His promises, which are not reality-based, are just what he thinks people want to hear.
Trump doesn’t want to explore new sources of energy, doesn’t have a clue about the needs of the poor or the middle class, doesn’t believe in global warming, thinks he can fix our economy by ripping up trade deals, wants to bring back waterboarding and states he is going to build a wall on the border with Mexico.
The old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, beware,” is appropriate to all of Trump’s ramblings. Every time he makes a promise, you have to wonder how he plans to make it happen.
A man like Trump, who shoots first and aims second, is frightening. He would take America backward, not forward.
Brenda Armenini