In four years, we vote again
I am a female, Christian, Democrat, wife, mother and grandmother who resides in very rural West Finley Township.
I did not vote for Donald Trump as president of the United States. And I can say without hesitation that I will never vote for Donald Trump for president of the United States should he ever run again. I believe that he has shown his true self. A wolf in wolf’s clothing. He never tried to hide himself beneath the cloak of a sheep. I am repulsed by his hateful message, his fear mongering, his treatment of women and his divisive and non-inclusive views.
However, the American people have spoken with their vote and by electoral vote, and on Jan. 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump will become president of the United States. And I am deeply saddened to say that on that date, Donald J. Trump will become my president. Because that is how America works. I have been reading signs that state, “He is not my president.” But the fact remains, and like or not (and I don’t), Donald J. Trump will be America’s president.
We are not a perfect nation, and we never will be. But we are free to cast our vote for whichever candidate we choose. America has spoken. We don’t have to like the outcome. We don’t have to agree with his policies. We don’t have to stay quiet. But we do have to accept the election results, because this is America. And in four years, we can vote again. Hope springs eternal.
Kathy Wigman Lesnock
West Finley