What does “We have no words” mean?
When I opened your editorial page Nov. 10, I was stunned by your editorial headline and lack of copy. What happened in the election was at the very least historical, and the best you can do is follow the sophomoric lead of Facebook liberals by blanking out your photo?
I’ll remind you that Donald Trump carried most of the counties in the state, including Washington and Greene, and he carried the state of Pennsylvania.
What does “We have no words” mean? It infers something very negative and implies that you feel some intellectual superiority over the rest of us. There are plenty of things to write about objectively with respect to this win by Donald Trump that would show your readers that you have balance and interest in all points of view. If you prefer only to spew left-leaning opinions, and to serve only a liberal constituency, just say so and the rest of us can cancel our subscriptions and look for our news elsewhere.
Bill Wilson
Wilson is the president of Specified Systems, Inc.