Disappointed by cartoon
I cannot say how disappointed I was when I saw the “Donny Appleseed” cartoon on your editorial page in the Nov. 16 edition. ?Actually, it made me sick. No wonder the media was so disliked throughout this whole presidential campaign – they were so biased and negative.
Pennsylvania went Republican this election. Do you realize this? Do you realize how many Democrats in Pennsylvania voted for Donald Trump? The silent majority has finally spoken.
It is time for us to accept that Trump won this election. It is time for us to come together and unite, whether we like this fact or not.
Some things I would like to point out: When President Obama was elected, there were many people who were not happy. Were there fires, beatings or shootings when he was elected? No, he was given a chance.
When people came across the ocean years ago, they came to our country to assimilate, learn English, work hard to make a living and raise their children. They became citizens, honored our Constitution, and did not try to make Sharia law replace our Constitution. They came to America for a better life, not to hate and kill Americans. They pledged allegiance to our flag, and stood for the national anthem.
What did you accomplish by running the “Donny Appleseed” cartoon? Give Trump a chance. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Mariann Bulko