Newspaper could kill birds
Friday’s Observer-Reporter had a letter from a disgruntled reader. The reader asked to terminate their subscription. I would ask them to reconsider. The Observer-Reporter is quite a bargain if you know how to read or process it.
The first section can be thrown away unless you are interested in local crime – mostly rapes, child abuse or drug deals. The rest can be totally ignored. It consists mainly of Trump-bashing or guess-news. You know, the kind where the reporter doesn’t know anything to report, but tells you what they think is going to happen and what you should believe, if it does happen.
If you aren’t really interested in how the election was stolen or how many popular votes Hillary Clinton got, you can ignore the editorial page – the canned out-of-town editorials, not the letters to the editor. That’s where the brilliance of some readers really shines.
The sports section is okay if you are into that sort of thing. This section also contains movie reviews. Get set to be talked down to concerning your taste if the movie has mostly dialogue – that’s reviewer-eese for talking – and is liberally sprinkled with minority actors, writers and directors. Then it’s sure to get a positive review. If it’s the least bit spiritual, it’s doomed to the dustbin.
With all the fish eating going on this time of year the paper makes fine wrapping for what you aren’t going to eat. Do not put it on the bottom of a bird’s cage though. Birds have been known to drop over after exposure. But then, birds are known to do that of their own accord. However, it just might be their little systems can’t stand another story about how Hillary really did win the election, but those darned Rooskies stole it.
Daniel I. Morris