Protect budget of the EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency’s budget is set to be cut by up to 30 percent by the Trump administration. We must not overlook how this budget cut affects our very own corner of the state. This decision can have a very disastrous effect on Southwestern PA when you take into account how terrible the air and water quality in the area already is. According to the American Lung Association, Pittsburgh has one of the worst air qualities in the country.
Luckily for us, there are programs and organizations that are funded by the EPA which are working to monitor and limit the pollution of our natural resources. However, these budget cuts to the EPA will lead to budget cuts of these programs, and in some cases, complete elimination. If this pollution worsens any further, we are going to be looking at increased childhood asthma, cancer, and potentially many other terrible diseases. We have a right to breathe clean air and drink clean water, and we have to remind our members of Congress that they have to make decisions with their constituents’ health in mind.
Alexis Cole