James column was inflammatory

In his Oct. 1 opinion piece, Kent James deftly combined Trump-bashing with race-baiting and took them to a whole new level. He stated that President Trump saw nothing wrong with asking NFL players “who are primarily black, to risk brain damage for the entertainment of a primarily white audience.”
Are we to believe that the health and welfare of NFL players is now a racial issue? Playing the race card in this odd manner was deliberately inflammatory. It actually served to marginalize the real problems that exist in today’s racially-charged atmosphere.
Perhaps James would do well to read Mona Charen’s op-ed printed on the same day. In it, she stated, “American life is still strewn with racial sensitivities. Decency demands that we attempt to soothe, not inflame, them.”
Kathryn M. Herrnberger
Eighty Four