No one will benefit from a nuclear war

Steven Wolf’s very informative Sept. 12 letter criticized the “shortsightedness” of columnist Carl Haberl in concluding that war with North Korea should not be an option. But Wolf himself is very shortsighted in praising this current president’s damaging rhetoric.
When someone says, “Try it and you are gone,” what does he think that means? It seems North Korea now has the power to attack our country with a nuclear weapon. Our only defense, it seems, is to counterattack. No one will need a gun or a tank. All that is needed is to push buttons. The use of atomic weapons in 1945 devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and only those people who witnessed the attacks or their aftermath can comprehend their horror. While I would hope that the threat of similar devastation would stop that madman in North Korea, there is a good chance it will not.
What do you think would happen with the launch of only one nuclear weapon? Of course, it would not just be one. If we think the destruction caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma was bad, that would only be a tiny fraction of what would happen should the president’s threats become reality. The sun will not come up following a nuclear war. The air will be poisoned and food rendered inedible. Of course, people like President Trump probably already have their temporary sanctuaries ready, while we, the remaining peons, will likely wish we had not survived at all.
There was a film released by the BBC many years ago called “Threads,” portraying the long aftermath of a nuclear holocaust. I wish they would replay this on television so that all those people who think Trump’s outbursts would result in all of us having a safer life would see the actual truth. No one benefits from nuclear war.
Do you think the president is making this country great again? This fickle and childish man could end up turning it into a sad pile of rubble.
Anita L. Biers