OP-ED: Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war
In Part 2, we looked at the rising tide of violence being promoted by the deranged left and their fellow travelers in the Democratic Party. The inescapable conclusion was that the direction of the Democratic Party toward more violence was making Republicans stronger and alienating increasing numbers of the Democrats’ traditional identity voting blocs of minority voters. As President Trump continues to add success to success, and as the Democrats see their power slipping away, they ratchet up their politics of rage, leading to more violent confrontations and driving away more of their voters.
The Democratic Party has made a living of hate speech, targeting Republicans as racist, homophobic, misogynist and Islamophobic, but the president’s steady stream of achievements are positively impacting every one of the Democrats’ identity voting blocs, and they are beginning to take notice. The president is chipping off pieces of the Democrats’ carefully protected, and subjugated, base. The white working class was always in Trump’s camp, but now fed-up blacks, Hispanics, gays, millennials and others are beginning to desert the sinking Democratic ship. These people are Americans, and Americans demonstrably care about jobs and their safety. When they have more money in their paychecks, don’t have to depend on food stamps and are not working minimum wage jobs because higher paying jobs are now available, they notice and they are no longer enthralled by the destructive Democratic rage.
A recent Pew survey reported that the old stereotype of Trump supporters was certainly not true. Only 31 percent were white men without college degrees; 66 percent are college graduates, women and non-whites. What’s more, increasing numbers of millennials are going to vote Republican in the mid-terms. They may not be thrilled with the Republican Party, but they don’t want Nancy Pelosi and her band of the deranged to wreck the economy. In 2016, millennials voted for Democrats for Congress by 47 to 33 percent. Today, support for Democrats has fallen 10 percent and is still falling.
Race baiting is losing its appeal. People like Maxine Waters are becoming toxic. Chuck Schumer and Pelosi keep rerunning the tired old talking points people stopped listening to a year ago. Hollywood thimble brains whose limited vocabularies extend to nothing but profanities have overstayed their welcome. TV ratings for Republican/Trump/white male bashing award programs are dropping like stones. Gutter talkers have become irrelevant.
There has recently formed a #Walkaway movement within the Democratic Party. Started by a gay hairdresser named Brandon Straka from New York City, this could signal the start of a major exodus from the party. The Democratic Party has become too wacky for even its own members. There is growing disgust with the Democrat embrace of socialism, no borders and violence. The video begins, “Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal.
“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth.” Maybe all the millions of people Straka has and will reach will not run out and vote Republican in the fall, but they also may not vote at all. It is a growing movement.
Internally, Democrats are turning on each other. For example, black female leaders are berating the Democratic leadership of Pelosi and Schumer for not defending “Mad Max” Waters from “unwarranted attacks” from the Republicans. Unwarranted? Just because she accused them of “sacrificing children at the border,” called for “attacking members of the Trump administration in public places” and “harassing them at their homes?” Mad Max is even being parodied on liberal TV shows. She and many Democrats are advocating anarchy and getting resistance from more reasonable Democrats. The more Mad Max and people like her are called out, the further out in space they go.
As the Democrats have become increasingly out of touch, radical and rage-filled, their positions have hardened and moved increasingly to the left. What started as a discussion on immigration led to a defense of illegal immigration and now has pushed Democrats into advocating for open borders, a position that does not sell well to large groups of voters. Enforcement of immigration laws, together with the increasingly radical immigration position, has now led to Democratic calls for the elimination of ICE, a position completely impractical and very tough to sell. If Bernie Sanders was thought to be far left, a new crop of radical Democrats in the Democratic Socialist branch has risen up. Their Marxist ideology is driving away both Democrats and identity bloc voters. Overreaction to recent school shootings produced the likes of arrogant David Hogg, who not only produced no value to the Democrats but, again, turned away voters with a rock hard radical position. Pelosi’s continuing criticism and call for repeal of the president’s hugely successful tax plan leaves even party loyalists aghast. She is campaigning against exactly what is most appealing to Americans – jobs and a good economy.
The Democratic Party has moved so far left as to be not recognizable to many Democrats and so radical and inflexible that it can’t adapt to anything and just digs its hole deeper.
There is no “Blue Wave” right now. If the Republicans keep up the pressure, after November, there may well be no viable Democratic Party.
In the prescient words of Ayn Rand: “As a cultural-intellectual power and a moral ideal, collectivism died in World War II. If we are still rolling in its direction, it is only by the inertia of a void and the momentum of disintegration. A social movement that began with the ponderous, brain-cracking, dialectical constructs of Hegel and Marx, and ends up with a horde of morally unwashed children stamping their foot and shrieking: ‘I want it now is through.'”
So dies the Democratic Party.
Dave Ball is vice president of the Washington County Republican Party and a Peters Township councilman.