LETTER Vigilance needed to protect our rights
We must be forever vigilant to identify and check happenings that violate self-evident human truths, personal liberties and constitutional rights. History documents it is too costly to proceed otherwise.
It is very alarming that a person who regularly attacks freedom of speech and devalues the freedom of the press has been elected to the U.S. presidency. He is allowed to assassinate the fine character of a POW Vietnam veteran who subsequently served his constituents and country with honor and dignity. He mocked and name-called his way to the nomination of his political party.
His imperial wealth makes him think he is above the laws covering everyone else. His terroristic tweets cause his closest supporters and allies to cringe.
What’s next for American history? Who knows?
Let us not forget the high costs when forces like this remain unchecked for too long and gain significant strength.
David J. Bober