LETTER Trump shares traits with Jackson, Jefferson
It might amaze many of your readers that President Trump exhibits many of the personality traits of two of our early presidents, one a Founding Father. As a graduate of Ohio University who majored in history, it’s been interesting to watch as Trump demonstrates Jeffersonian and Jacksonian traits.
Thomas Jefferson was a narcissist, but had a brilliant and inquiring mind, a magnificent library, and could write commanding prose. Trump is a narcissist, but his mind doesn’t inquire, he doesn’t use a library and his writing is ghostwritten.
Andrew Jackson was a racist megalomaniac, but a devoted husband and a brilliant general. Trump is a racist megalomaniac, and has divorced two wives before marrying a third. He avoided military service with the flimsiest of excuses, but still wants a military parade.
So, there you have it. Trump exhibits the worst traits of two of our best presidents, and none of their best traits.
Martha L. McFadden