OP-ED: Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war
Editor’s note: This is the second of a three-part series.
As we concluded in part 1 (July 15), the president is having a great year to the benefit of this nation. The Democrats are going berserk because they see the president as wiping away the stifling legacy of Barack Obama, creating jobs and an economy they were not able to create, reducing the size of the federal government and returning power to the people. Further, they cannot get over the fact Hillary Clinton lost in large measure because the American people didn’t want what they are selling.
This has resulted in a rising tide of left-wing violence all across the land. In part 2, we look at the violence and where it may lead.
Leftist violence takes many forms. It can be the overt mob violence that began at President Trump’s inauguration and continues with Antifa and Occupy Wall Street thugs physically attacking real Americans with whom they disagree. It can be leftist groups denying conservatives the right to speak on college campuses, often engaging in physical confrontation. It can be the physically escalating harassment of Republican officials when they are out in public. It can be calls for terroristic intimidation by irrational Democratic elected officials. Or it can be the continuous flow of foul and profane hate speech from vocabulary-limited Hollywood types.
Very recent examples of harassment and public attacks include members of the Democratic Socialists confronting Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in a D.C. restaurant. Then the equally leftist CREDO Action group harassed Nielsen at her home. Organize Florida, a Democrat-sympathizing leftist group confronted Florida Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi as she was leaving a screening of, of all things, a Mr. Rogers movie. In Virginia, the owner of a diner asked Sarah Sanders and her family to leave because she works for Trump and then continued to harass the family when they went to another diner across the street.
Hate and vulgarity have been directed at the president as well as at Ivanka and Melania Trump by Democratic entertainment low life such as Robert De Niro, Samantha Bee, Peter Fonda, Stormy Daniels and Tom Arnold.
Then we can’t forget perpetual loose cannon Rep. Maxine Waters, the apparent new spokesperson for the Democratic Party. She is currently running around inciting confrontation and violence at every opportunity. That is a crime, not that Democrats worry about details like that.
These are Democratic sympathizers endorsed by lack of condemnation and even encouragement by the Democratic Party.
We saw similar violence by the radical left in the 1960s with ugly groups such as the Weather Underground (whose founder Bill Ayers has ties to Obama) and the Black Panthers.
One notable difference in the 1960s was that the Democratic Party was relatively moderate and was, itself, attacked by these leftist groups at the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968. Today we have a different Democratic Party, one run by Tom Perez, a communist by his own admission, and Nation of Islam anti-Semite Keith Ellerson. With leaders like that, is the direction of the Democratic Party a mystery? Democrats must be so proud to look up to these, their chosen leaders.
Why is Democratic hysteria so high and rising? At the most elemental level, their survival is being seriously threatened.
The general causes of Trump Derangement Syndrome appear to be: Dems can’t get over losing the 2016 election and are acting out like spoiled kids; they see the president undoing the wasteful Obama signature initiatives; envy – they can’t believe that capitalism actually works better for people than their socialism and are jealous of the president’s success; they know they are losing control of their own party, and they see Republicans chipping away their identity voter blocks and they are deathly afraid of losing power and control.
The significant reality of the rising tide of Democratic hate speech is that it is working – for Republicans. It makes Republicans stronger and more resolute. The president is certainly unmoved by the insults. But something else is happening. This speech is alienating Democratic voters. Increasing violence is alienating Democratic voters. The voters being alienated are, in increasingly significant numbers, the minorities that the Democrats assumed they solidly controlled.
Add the constantly increasing successes of the president’s policies that are benefiting everyone, including the minority voters, to the increasing alienation and we are seeing groups of identity voting bloc voters leaving the Democrats and, in many cases, joining the Republicans as they see more shared values with Republicans than Democrats.
Other than Democratic ideologues, most Americans care about the same things Trump does: jobs, the economy and safety. Voters in all groups, including the identity bloc voters so prized by the Democrats, are seeing more money in their paychecks, more jobs, better jobs, increasingly secure borders, a defeated ISIS and the possibility of a safer North Korea.
A recent Rasmussen Poll finds that 59 percent of Americans believe that the left (including the Democrats) will resort to violence to stop Trump. Thirty-one percent think we were headed for a second civil war. While civil war seems a remote prospect, when prominent Democrat leaders openly encourage confrontation, the possibility of violence increases dramatically. That is what is happening, and that is what is driving their voters away.
The more the Democrats see their traditional support blocs erode, the more they seek to import voters, replacing traditional minority bases with illegal immigrants. The more this happens, the faster voters desert them. It’s a classic death spiral.
In part 3, we will examine the disintegration of the Democratic Party.
Dave Ball is vice president of the Washington County Republican Party and a Peters Township councilman.