LETTER: Don’t end LSA program

As a Marianna Borough council member, I recently learned of Rep. Bud Cook’s proposed legislation to eliminate Washington County Local Share Account grants and take away the potential for applying for LSA funding for crucial projects in communities like mine.
This program has been a godsend for Marianna, as we have received nearly $800,000 in LSA grants since the program started 11 years ago. This figure does not include the $14,800 our borough receives directly each year in LSA funds. With these LSA grants, we have removed blighted properties that were severe safety hazards, replaced roads, made recreational improvements and updated our antiquated infrastructure. This program has helped improve the quality of life in our community by funding projects that we, as a borough, need but would not have been able to do unless we raised taxes. The LSA helps keep our taxes low.
If Mr. Cook were to find co-sponsors for his proposal, and he were to be successful in taking money away from our communities, school taxes may be lowered for those eligible for the Homestead Exception, but local governments certainly would be forced to raise local taxes to make up for the loss and pay for these crucial projects. His proposal will raise taxes.
Mr. Cook represents Marianna in the Legislature, and he quotes on his campaign website that “Common may be in Commonwealth, but don’t expect common sense in Harrisburg.” His proposal to end the LSA grants after 11 successful years of positive impacts and take that money away from communities like mine really proves that point.
Jeremy A. Berardinelli
Marianna councilman