LETTER: Wake up, America

Wake up, America
Donald Trump ran for president primarily for two reasons. First and foremost, for his own “I-told-you-so ego,” and also to prove to the American people how laughable our political system has become that even he could become president. He also enjoys watching career politicians walk around apoplectic and in dismay that he was elected. He’s pompous and arrogant, and what better stage to show it on than the U.S. presidency.
Democrats over time have lost their voting base. Republicans as well. That leaves us with CNN and Fox News telling us why that happened. Trump agitates Democrats in Congress. And let’s face it, Republicans as well. He is about as qualified to run the country as a fish is to ride a bicycle. No offense to him, but he got elected without any experience in politics. This should be a wake-up call for the American people. No matter what your political affiliation.
Dom Broglia