LETTER: A presidential prediction

We now have further knowledge of the extraordinary level of deception engaged in by the shameless braggart and narcissist who resides in the White House, that the “stable genius,” the master of the deal, lost over $1 billion within a decade through woefully failed business ventures.
It is not easy to lose such a vast sum of money, so it is reasonable to conclude that despite all that was provided to him by his father, Donald Trump frittered it away because he is in reality a business flop, a “loser,” as he likes to call his despised ideological foes.
What is stunning is not the exposure of the emperor with no clothes, but that his loyal base will think nothing of the fact that he has been revealed to be a fraud.
I can hear it now: “Fake news!” Sad!
Oren M. Spiegler
South Strabane Township