LETTER: Why are so many of our youth filled with hate?

Not words, nor prayers or arming teachers will put an end to this tragic epidemic of school shootings. What may help some is stricter gun control laws. But I’m afraid it goes much deeper than that.
We must figure out why so many young people are filled with hate. No doubt, the hate speech on the internet is fueling anger. And we all know that hate begets hate. When I was growing up, there were no mass shootings in schools or otherwise. But, of course, gun laws were more stringent. Popular songs of the day were uplifting, speaking of love and were beautifully rhymed. The lyrics of many songs today speak of hate and as a result, are oppressing the youth.
For now, unfortunately, I see no panacea. Lawmakers, as well as educators, must figure out a way to keep hate off the internet and out of the schools. And let us demand that our elected legislators pass stricter gun control laws, despite the National Rifle Association’s stronghold over them.
JoAnn Lee Frank
Clearwater, Fla.