Reader React

The Observer-Reporter occasionally asks Facebook friends to respond to a question about an issue in the news. This week, we asked about state Rep. Bud Cook’s proposal to eliminate gambling revenue earmarked for Washington County Local Share Account projects and instead distribute the money to school districts for property tax relief. Here are some of the responses:
Barbara Reed Herbert: I commend him for trying to do property tax reform! It is promised every election but we never see any meaningful reform!
Bill Friend: This WAS the original purpose for this revenue! I’m 100% for it! Seniors need relief from these continuing tax hikes that seem to never end. Any property tax relief would be welcome.
George Safin: If it is not broke, it does not need fixed. That local share money has helped keep property taxes low at the local level. It has helped by upgrading infrastructure in the local communities without an undue burden to the local tax base.
Sandy Hinerman: That would be such a relief for taxpayers especially for seniors … tax-exempt property in the Washington School District is very high for seniors to pay, but will the school districts use it for that? It’s time this country did something good for senior citizens.
Kathie Beeghly Weir: My preference is for property tax relief. However, unless there is a mandate for districts to reduce millages across the board, they’ll use it for something else
Barbara McCarthy: We need property tax relief and this would work toward that goal. We seniors should not have to pay these recently reassessed taxes. I am 100% for doing this.
Chris Kramer: The local share money is just walking-around money for county officials.
Joan Warren: I think this is a great idea. Should go to lowering property taxes. That’s what it was originally supposed to do. Seniors need tax relief!
Oren Spiegler: This would not be an issue if Pennsylvania imposed an extraction tax like every other state which hosts the industry does. The power and money of the Marcellus shale industry has enabled the tax burden to fall on the working man and woman. We have the finest government money can buy.
Larry Michael Celaschi: Bud Cook should commit himself to hold two Washington county public forums on his proposed LSA subject matter. He could pass out copies and make public the detailed analysis of his proposed legislation. All the people in attendance can then ask Rep. Cook the intelligent questions for him to answer whether you are for or against it. One forum to be held on the Washington corridor and the other in the Mon Valley. The Observer-Reporter can sponsor it, video it and stream it live. I would be happy to offer the sound equipment and wireless mics free of charge.
Jean McClintock Brown: How do we know property taxes will decrease? I don’t agree with this proposed legislation at all – NO.
Steve Toprani: Legislating a solution where there is no problem. Cook can’t even articulate why this is needed. If he really wanted to be serious, he would stop voting for bills that send taxpayer monies to charter schools and would work to reform our school district funding.
Gregory Sulc Jr.: What are the possibilities that Bud Cook attended at least one LSA Meeting in three years? I am guessing a big fat ZERO!
Stephen Smith: He’s the man. The money has been stolen from us for years now. Time to put it to use aside from (Gov. Tom) Wolf’s cronies.
Derek Day: Wasn’t that the whole point of issuing the gaming licenses? The casino proponents, while lobbying for allowing the casinos, preached about how the casinos would eliminate the need for property taxes. More smoke and mirrors. I’ll believe it when I see any of these casinos provide any benefit to tax paying citizens.
Will Moore: It’d be a great idea if it meant lower property taxes, but they’d just squander that money in addition to what they receive now.
Anna Rubis: Maybe for the North Strabane residents since they seem to benefit from the casino the most.
Michelle Branthoover: How do we know this will in fact offset tax millage? I dont agree with this at all.
Jeremy Berardinelli: It may lower school taxes for homeowners who are eligible for the Homestead exclusion, but it will force boroughs and townships to raise taxes to compensate for the loss of funding. And many of these critical public safety projects that have been completed with the help of LSA funding will no longer be a viable option. It sounds like a lose, lose situation to me!!
Sherry Myers: The communities reaping the benefits of LSA money are coming out against this, and there’s nothing stating the districts would offset current tax millage with the money. My bet is they’d use it for ever more administration. Cook is way off base with this.