LETTER: O-R partly to blame, too

As an avid reader of the Observer-Reporter utilizing home delivery (print, not digital) I enjoy having the entire paper in my hands and not a snapshot view on a smart phone or even a laptop. Seeing “all the news” ensures I do “see” all the news.
Recently the O-R threw it’s support behind Rep. Guy Reschenthaler for Congress. I’m wondering if the O-R staff looked into its own regular column, How They Voted, to support their decision. If they did then I believe the newspaper also holds some responsibility for the embarrassing condition America is in with the refusal of Donald Trump to admit defeat in the presidential election, not conceding to President-elect Joe Bidan, alongside those who continue to support Trump’s wild antics. It’s people like Reschenthaler who encourage this debacle that keeps pulling our nation into the swamp created by Trump.
The nation has spoken, and the greatest gift in the Constitution has held fast a free election. The Supreme Court and lower courts have spoken. Enough is enough, Mr. Reschenthaler. Stop your nonsense and help to save our nation.
Rev. Joseph Lewandowski (ret.)