
LETTER: O-R should aopologize for Reschenthaler endorsement

2 min read

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The Observer-Reporter needs to issue an apology to its readers.

On Oct. 28, the O-R endorsed Guy Reschenthaler to represent the 14th Congressional District in the general election. The O-R listed some reasons supporting the endorsement. Among the reasons was: “He will stand with the president to make sure our region is heard and represented in Washington …” Certainly he has ensured that Pennsylvania’s 14th Congressional District  has been heard.

Reschenthaler is one of 126 Republican members of Congress who recently signed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the outrageous lawsuit initiated by the Texas attorney general seeking to throw out the election victory of Joe Biden in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia. It was claimed many votes were fraudulent, therefore the Electoral College votes in those states were invalid.

I’m amused as to why there were no imaginary fraudulent votes in other states where President Trump won? Over 50 court cases had already been lost by Trump and his cronies by the time the amicus brief was filed. Not one factual instance of voter fraud was proven.

Reschenthaler’s actions to subvert the electoral process show he no longer supports our democratic system. Reschenthaler has betrayed his oath of office. Before the Observer-Reporter endorses another candidate in the future, the editorial board needs to ask each candidate: “Do you support the electoral process…do you support democracy?”

In the meantime I’ll be waiting for an apology.

Ray Doperak

Peters Township


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