LETTER: Biden elected fair and square

This is in response to Dave Ball’s Dec. 28 op-ed regarding President Trump and the election.
Your alternative facts are a bunch of hooey. Your claims of reams of evidence of voting irregularities, thousands of affidavits of witnesses voter fraud, claims of voting machines illegally tampered with and “statistical experts” testifying to the impossibility of numerous results is just not the truth. Just because you say these things does not make them true. No matter how many times you repeat the same false claims, you have to prove them before they become facts. The burden of proof is on the claimant. After dozens of lawsuits, it turns out you have absolutely no concrete evidence to back up all your hooey. That is why all those lawsuits were denied.
I could go on explaining why (in my opinion) a record number of people decided to vote in this election, but it doesn’t matter. Trump has been fairly voted out of office and a majority of Americans are looking forward to a new administration.
Your conclusions are false. Crimes were not committed to elect Joe Biden.
Michael Parkinson