LETTER: Divisiveness weighted on president
Divisiveness weighted on president
There is divisiveness in this country, but it only seems weighted on the president. We know Donald Trump has his faults, but he was that way before he ran for office and the people still wanted him. But how has he been treated? They say he doesn’t act presidential, but has he been accorded the respect a president deserves?
When he was elected, there were cries of “Not my president!” For over three years, Al Green and Maxine Waters have been yelling for impeachment. He is hated so much they compared trump to Adolph Hitler. The hosts of TV’s “The View” and the late night comedians belittle him every day and every night. Never before has a First Lady been mocked for her dress and her accent.
What does Trump hear in regard to his supporters? They are deplorable and cling to their guns and religion. On CNN, Don Lemon and Rick Wilson double over with laughter as they claim if his supporters have a southern accent, well that proves they are rubes with low IQs.
Does Trump get credit for anything? Not in three-plus years on CNN or MSNBC. When Osama Bin Laden was killed, just praise was given, and rightly deserved. But when the president takes out those responsible for killing and maiming our soldiers, Trump is trying to start a war. If he thinks we should stand for the national anthem, he is a hater. If he wants to keep the border secure, he is a racist. If he wants to oversee America’s taxpayer money and make sure others pay their fair share, he can’t do that: Those countries won’t like us. If he speaks at the March for Life, if he lays a wreath, if he visits the wounded at Walter Reed Hospital, he is not sincere. It’s only a photo shoot. And if the economy is good, it’s attributed to the previous administration. Make no mistake: If he wins in 2020, it’s because he cheated.
I think most people are honest and fair, and they know piling-on when they see it, and realize where all this deep-seated ill will stems from.
Robert J. BonAnno