LETTER: Area agency on aging continues to serve seniors
Area agency on aging continues to serve seniors
As an agency whose sole mission is to be of service to older adults, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging Inc. can assure our senior community, their families, and the public that we share your concerns regarding the impact and the uncertainty the coronavirus (COVID-19) is having upon all of our daily lives.
With guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, we continue to closely monitor the rapidly evolving events related to the pandemic and are making the necessary adaptations to our operations, and are taking every precaution to ensure the safety of both the consumers we serve and our dedicated staff.
While practicing the health-care recommendations for social distancing, staff are working remotely, and continue to assess consumer needs and are in regular contact with seniors to verify their safety and to make certain they are receiving necessary services and support. In addition, critical services, such as home-delivered meals, Information and Assistance, Care Management, and protecting older adults from abuse, continue to be provided.
Our 26 home and community-based service agencies are continuing to provide personal care and home support services to those seniors most in need, and are steadfast in following the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health safety guidelines.
Although senior community center recreational and social activities are suspended until further notice in all three counties the area agency serves, the daily congregate meals at senior community centers continue to be available for “grab and go” between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you are 60 years of age or older, or married to someone who is 60 years of age or older, and need a meal, please call your local senior community center on the day before by 1 p.m. to make a reservation.
With an abundance of caution, and in compliance with safe food handling practices, our nutrition subcontractors are continuing to provide home-delivered meals to some of the most vulnerable seniors in our communities. This group of core staff and volunteers have also delivered a supply of shelf-stable meals that can be used in an emergency.
The Information and Assistance staff is continuing to receive calls from consumers, to answer questions and address concerns through our toll-free line at 1-800-734-9603. The Protective Services for Older Adults Unit hotline is answered 24 hours per day 7 days a week, and to report elder abuse please call 1-800-537-2424.
We are grateful to have a dedicated collaboration of providers, caregivers, staff, volunteers and elected officials who share our commitment to ensure the health, welfare and safety of the older residents in Fayette, Greene and Washington counties.
During these challenging times, the agency remains committed to ensuring the continuation of essential services with the help of its vital and committed network of aging service providers.
Please, stay calm, stay home, stay safe.
Leslie Grenfell
Executive Director, Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging Inc.