LETTER: ‘Shadow Campaign’ revealed

Josef Stalin once opined, “It matters not who votes, but rather, who counts.” It’s been deemed safe to come out of hiding, spike the football and do an end zone dance for good measure. In a move that can only be described as well beyond brazen, the Feb. 15 issue of Time Magazine ran a piece entitled, “The Secret History Of The Shadow Campaign That Saved The 2020 Election.” After months of Americans being told by big tech and the media that Joe Biden won the election fair and square comes this shocking admission of guilt that ostensibly was done to “save democracy,” according to Time. It is a detailed essay that describes how, in Time’s words, a “cabal of an informal alliance of leftwing activists and bigwig, wealthy business titans.” The purpose was not actually “rigging an election,” so we’re told. It was done to “save democracy.” What actually happened was that democracy was obliterated like an explosion of a 25-megaton bomb and the Constitution was used as toilet paper. This isn’t about Donald Trump or Joe Biden and has everything to do with the Constitution and the rule of law. If the roles were reversed, I’d be the one out front, leading the charge.
Those involved in the Shadow Campaign are proud of what they’ve done and they are waving it in your face because they want you to know what they’ve done. It’s not quite clear why they are strutting at this point in time. They obviously feel they are above the law. The day of saying that “nothing happened” and “the election was free and fair” are over. Those of you who wrote angry, tersely worded and bitter tomes to this newspaper attacking Dave Ball, U.S. Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, or even Trump, himself, are absolutely without any semblance of class whatsoever. Moreover, you owe these gentlemen an apology for calling them liars or worse.
It’s all right there in Time Magazine.
In print.
The whole plan.
The proof.
If, after reading this piece, these events are OK with you, there’s obviously nothing I can say that will change your mind.
John A. Quayle
North Franklin Township