LETTER: Left wondering

In response to John Quayle’s Feb. 15 letter to the editor, “Shadow Campaign Revealed,” I am left wondering if he actually read the Time Magazine article to which he referred. If you actually do read the article you will find the purpose of this “shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but ensuring that it would be free and fair, credible and and uncorrupted.”
The article goes on to state: “For Trump and his allies were running their own campaign to spoil the election.”
The article details how Donald Trump’s henchmen sought to suppress the vote, bringing dozens of lawsuits trying to make it more difficult to vote. It goes on to state that before the election Trump plotted to block a legitimate vote count and “spent the months following Nov. 3 trying to steal an election he lost.”
So yes, John. It is all right there in Time magazine. Hopefully readers of this newspaper will search it out. It is those who tried to overturn a fairly run election who are, as you say, “absolutely without any semblance of class.”
John Opal
West Middletown