LETTER: Op-ed assisted in Trump charade

Op-ed assisted in Trump charade
If Dave Ball were some unknown crackpot at a bar mouthing conspiracy theories about the allegedly stolen election, his words would be of little consequence. He is, though, an intelligent individual of stature in the community: a public official and one who serves on his county’s election board, rendering Dec. 28 screed (“The Greatest Crime in History”) dangerous and chilling.
Ball accepts as accurate the charges made by the dwindling number of shameless attorneys who are willing to be associated with the Trump administration, the Rudolph Guiliani/Sidney Powell/Jenna Ellis coalition, which lives in an alternate reality. Powell is currently facing potential sanction for misrepresentations made in court such as that there was an algorithm within voting machines that changed Trump votes to the Biden column and that the late Hugo Chavez and Josef Stalin had a role in placing votes for Biden.
To believe the allegations of massive criminal election fraud made by Mr. Ball, one must accept that there is a wide-ranging conspiracy that has consumed the entire country, that Republican election officials, governors, secretaries of state, U.S. senators, even the six conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justices, three of whom were appointed by Trump, all got together to sabotage the president. How could that happen and why? How is it that the “fix” that Mr. Ball alleges only took down Trump and not any of the Republicans who won upset victories in Congress and in state offices? When Trump won by tiny margins in three swing states in 2016 despite polls calling for a Hillary Clinton victory, was there any outcry from Mr. Ball that the election had been stolen from Clinton through fraud or with the assistance of the Trump’s pals in Russia? I do not recall any.
How does Mr. Ball write off election experts who indicated that in the days leading up to Nov. 3, Joe Biden was ahead, in some swing states by a significant margin?
Even Mitch McConnell, who is as wedded to the Republican Party as anyone, finally acknowledged that Biden and Kamala Harris won the election and congratulated them. Pennsylvania’s own U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, who has never been accused of being a liberal Democrat, recognizes the Biden/Harris victory. Both McConnell and Toomey have urged the president to do the same.
The president is engaged in a most shameful, desperate, pathetic bid to remain in office and he has individuals like Dave Ball to assist him in his charade.
Mr. Ball and those who conspire with him contribute to an atmosphere in which a legitimate presidency is not accepted by a large segment of America, and it sets the tone for violence to take place as the president has often tacitly encouraged, including most recently through his call for “wild” demonstrations to take place on Jan. 6, the day on which Congress is to certify the Biden victory. Joining with Trump is reflective of one who places party above principle and country.
Shame on you, Mr. Ball.
Oren Spiegler
Peters Township{&end}