LETTER: Op-ed inaccuracies too numerous to note

Op-ed inaccuracies too numerous to note
Over the past year I’ve read Dave Ball’s op-eds with wonder at how he could continue to spout lie after lie. The piece that appeared Dec. 28 however was so horrific that I felt compelled to respond. I began at the beginning of the op-ed, trying to research, and thereby easily refute, all of his erroneous statements, but quickly realized that to list all the sources refuting his plethora of false claims would be unreasonable, considering the amount of space such a response would take.
Instead, I’ll take just one aspect of his article and analyze it. Mr Ball claims that a report written by Peter Navarro should be taken as absolute and its contents regarded as gospel. In fact, just the opposite is true. A simple google search shows that multiple sources (Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2020/12/17/white-house-advisor-peter-navarro-releases-dubious-voter-fraud-report/?sh=4ecbdd341205, and the Washington Post,{/em} https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/12/18/this-might-be-most-embarrassing-document-created-by-white-house-staffer, to name two) show that, as the Post{/em} title suggests, “This might be the most embarrassing article created by a White House staffer.” As the Forbes article states, “this report hinges on debunked allegations that have largely been rejected when raised in court.”
If, as Mr. Ball claims, there is evidence of these accusations, why did the Trump lawyers lose 59 of the 60 cases they filed in court; the only case they won was one that made sure observers could stand 6 feet from the counting as opposed to the eight to 10 feet that they had been at. If Trump and his lawyers had any hard evidence, it would not have been ignored by the courts, especially since many of the judges ruling were Republican and President Trump appointees. If they claim to have tons of irrefutable evidence, then why wasn’t it presented?
I think the thing that has me the most upset with the article, however, is not the article itself – anyone with half a brain realized a long time ago that Mr. Ball routinely spews Republican lies and hypocrisies. No, what bothers me most is that the Observer-Reporter{/em} continues to give him a platform. I’m all for presenting opposing views; in fact, I appreciate a good debate, and often am rewarded by being presented with views I hadn’t considered. Unfortunately, as long as platforms such as the O-R{/em} continue to allow Mr. Ball to blatantly lie and perpetuate the myth that Trump was somehow cheated out of winning the election, this country will never be able to heal and move on.
Lynford Lynch