LETTER: Time for our country to come together

We begin this day with a tremendous sense of sadness for our country that we love and have the privilege to live in. Our love and respect for this great land was desecrated and destroyed Wednesday in our nation’s capital. What we witnessed was indeed a travesty and has brought great embarrassment to our great nation. Our political process is held in the highest regard around the world, but these events have given America a harsh blemish that will take a long time to heal.
Regardless of one’s political choices, it is time for this country to come together and support the president whom the American people elected. Let us move from a feeling of “them” and “us” to “ALL” who love and want America to be on the forefront of freedom and the opportunity for each of us and the pursuit of happiness. The hard work and commitment of many have allowed us to continue to work through a pandemic; surely we can move beyond what we had to endure at the headquarters of our nation. Today, take a few moments to bow your head and pray for the place each of us are so proud to call home.
”The will of God will never take us to where the grace of God will not sustain us.”
”Blessed in the nation whose God is the Lord.” – Psalm 33:12
Pastor Gary A. Gibson
Director of Pastoral Care, Presbyterian Senior Care Washington Campus, and chaplain, Washington Health System