LETTER: What, if anything, will change?

With the nation essentially divided across political lines, what do you think will change with a new administration? Sure, there will be a new president, and the Senate will no longer be headed by M.M. (no, not Mickey Mouse, probably a better choice). Mitch McConnell has successfully stood in the way of legislation for quite some time, and that will be a welcome change. At the very least, legislation will reach the floor for a vote.
But, and this is big, the same players are still in play. The lifetime politicos are still there, collecting their big salaries, fringe benefits, and perks, with no end in sight. No matter what party you think you may be part of, you and I are not in the elite class these people consider themselves to be in. We are their fodder, their serfs, and our votes are their ticket to ride. They couldn’t care less whether we live through the pandemic or die with it. They will come out the same in the end. They are virtually untouched by it, and if they are, they seem to survive at a much greater rate than the general public.
Perhaps, the new president can do something to reestablish relationships with the world, and receive help from Congress in that effort. Perhaps, a new tact will help to overcome the pandemic, and Congress will help in that effort. But, rest assured, when it comes to doing something for the citizens of this country, for repairing the divide that has become more evident in the recent past, there will be a tough road to hoe. The people waiting in the wings, getting ready for the next presidential election will be bad for America. They are ready to further divide us and create turmoil amongst us. Believe that, if you believe nothing else. They live to collect their salaries and wreak havoc on the citizens of this nation.
Robert A. Severin