LETTER: An inevitable end

An inevitable end
OK, Trump supporters, now are you happy? Wednesday’s riot at the nation’s Capitol is the inevitable end of what Donald Trump has been saying and doing all along.
I’m talking to you, Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, and you, Dave Ball. Even Sen. Pat Toomey seems to finally be recognizing reality.
All the time Trump has been stroking his own ego, inciting crowds to hysteria, this has been coming.
All the time Trump has told bald-faced lies, this has been coming.
All the time Trump refused to accept the results of the election, certified by each state, this has been coming.
On Jan. 6, 2021, it arrived. Just like a banana republic, a mob invaded our national legislature. Michigan was sort of a dress rehearsal.
You and Trump’s supporters are responsible for this debacle.
Carole McIntyre