LETTER: Blaming Republicans is wrong

In response to Ben Bright’s Jan. 17 op-ed: I agree that the events of Jan. 6 were reprehensible, repugnant, and repulsive. We are a nation of laws that apply to everyone. The perpetrators of this horrific event should be found, tried, and punished. But, blaming the Republicans for the Jan. 6 riot in Washington, D.C., is wrong and totally false! The person arrested was a left-wing activist. More and more reports along with witnesses, pictures, videos, etc., show this was created by the Democrats because the Speaker was concerned that the Republicans would cause the rejection of the electors due to the mounting evidence of fraud, forcing the election to go to the states. That would have been disastrous for the Democrats.
So, you should look in the mirror and at your Democratic Party to see who is to blame for the D.C. violence. They have blood on their hands. This is not their first time they’ve encouraged violence. As a matter of fact, Democrats openly defend violent riots. Kamala Harris supported a bail fund for these thugs and to pay their legal fees. And yet, you say the Republicans are responsible for the Jan. 6 riots. I think not. Remember the West Coast. You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
U.S. Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, along with numerous other patriotic Republicans, discharged their constitutional duty and objected to Arizona and Pennsylvania election results; this is in the Constitution. I applaud all of the representatives standing up for what they feel is an injustice, especially Reschenthaler. He has done exactly what we sent him to do in Washington.
You regurgitated the same Democratic talking points that we have been hearing for the last two months. “Pennsylvania had a fair election, and Joe Biden is the legitimate winner.” Again, just because you keep saying something over and over does not make it true. There have been numerous documented examples of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, especially in Philadelphia, but Democrats refuse to acknowledge this indisputable evidence. When you cheat to win, you are still a pathetic loser.
For the last four years we have heard the Democrats constantly recite that the Electoral College needs to go. It does not represent the people anymore. All because Hillary Clinton lost. Now Democrats think the Electoral College is great. Why the double standard?
Jack Jones
Peters Township