LETTER: What do you hope to accomplish?

What do you hope to accomplish? Daily, there are reports of planned attacks at various sites all over the country. Not peaceful protests but attacks. One quote continues to be repeated: We will be there with our guns. Why do you need a gun? There are videos of people being beaten. Are you saying that if you do not get your way you will shoot me? Using your gun on me will be OK because Donald Trump says so?
What do you want? What will you accomplish by beating and shooting people? Do you love Trump more than you love America? If all the police were taken away and the only thing surrounding Joe Biden were a group of women and children, maybe even some of your own family members, would you hold your gun high and charge through them, shooting and swinging your club? So far your groups have proven other people’s lives do not matter; what about your choice? Charge your family, push them down, beat them, all in the name of Trump.
What do you hope to accomplish? If you end up in jail for the rest of your life will it have been worth it?
Albert Hall