LETTER: Commissioners should move law library

In our sharply divided political atmosphere, there is one thing both political parties seem to agree on: reform of the criminal justice system. Both parties support sentencing reform, fair and equal application of the law and equal access to adequate legal representation.
These are large wishes, insurmountable maybe. However, there is a small measure toward that end that the Washington County commissioners should and can accomplish, which is moving the county law library out of the small corner of the courthouse basement and into one of the newly acquired county office buildings.
The commissioners acquired the office building across Main Street for additional court space to accommodate additional judgeships. Moving teh law library across the street would be logical. Or move it into the newly acquired Crossroads Building, which has ample, inexpensive parking available in the close-by city garage for those who would use the library.
I would guess that many readers do not know there is a local law library available to the public with a law librarian who will help you find, but not interpret, the law you want to know more about.
There is no substitute for having an attorney by your side in court, just as there is no substitute for being familiar yourself with the legal issues in your case. The law library belongs to everyone, not just attorneys and judges. Hopefully the commissioners will bring the law library from the basement into the light for the citizens of Washington County.
Martha L. McFadden