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More adult diapers are sold in Japan than diapers for babies.That’s an interesting nugget of trivia, but its importance extends much further. It’s emblematic of how Japan is facing a real crisis in its cultural and economic life. Largely a closed, homogeneous society that has not put out ...

Hits & Misses

HIT: It’s an idea that’s been a long time coming, and is probably overdue. Two municipalities in our area are considering the creation of dog parks to serve what seems to be an ever-growing canine population. In South Strabane Township, dog owner Leigh Lyons asked supervisors to put a dog ...

As with other holidays, we’ll likely be told today and Monday to remember the “meaning” of Labor Day, and keep in mind the struggles that allow American workers to enjoy weekends, 40-hour workweeks, and a host of other perquisites and protections.Yes, we should recall the sweat our ...

Hits and Misses

<strong>MISS:</strong> In 1971, the average annual cost to attend a four-year public college was about $8,700 in today’s dollars. In 2016, it cost close to $21,000. That being the case, it’s no wonder that students are saddled with debt once they get their ...

We’ve come to a general consensus in this country that alcoholism is a disease, an affliction that affects millions of people from all walks of life.According to a 2015 survey from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 26.9 percent of respondents, age 18 and older, reported ...

The Harambee Institute of Science and Technology in Philadelphia generated some national headlines almost 10 years ago, but they had nothing to do with the accomplishments of its teachers or students.The charter school ended up in the spotlight because its cafeteria was doubling as a bar on the ...