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LETTER: Table proposed tax hikes

As Pennsylvania continues to be a national leader in natural gas drilling and production, we must ensure that innovation, development, and adaptability within the natural gas industry are not curtailed.At Billman Geologic Consultants, we have seen how transforming the gas industry has been in ...

LETTER: Where is the outrage?

We will never know how many Americans have been abandoned in Afghanistan, left to be tortured and slaughtered. Where is the outrage over our administration's leaving them stranded despite promises to bring everyone home? Where is the outrage over the 13 brave military personnel who were killed ...

LETTER: Another predictable rant

I enjoyed the layout of the Aug. 22 opinion page of the <em>Observer-Reporter</em>. On one side was an editorial outlining the positive impact of increased food stamp benefits. On the other was another predictable rant by Dave Ball. Mr. Ball’s rants can be reduced ...

LETTER: We should learn

There’s an old proverb that I have found fits many situations: “It is a noble thing to try to help an elephant to its feet, but, it is a foolish thing to try to catch an elephant when it’s falling.” For 20 years, two generations, we have poured lives, arms, treasure, and training into ...

I applaud United Airlines for doing the right thing and requiring vaccinations for all employees. This is a great business decision, and is great for public health.I encourage everyone to contact other airlines and urge them to do the same. Requiring vaccinations protects employees, their ...

LETTER: Biden keeping campaign promise

For those who are not old enough to remember the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam on April, 30, 1975, it was a picture of chaos. "Desperate South Vietnamese climbed the walls of the American embassy in Saigon pleading for help. Over a hundred thousand succeeded in reaching American ships off ...