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I applaud United Airlines for doing the right thing and requiring vaccinations for all employees. This is a great business decision, and is great for public health.I encourage everyone to contact other airlines and urge them to do the same. Requiring vaccinations protects employees, their ...

LETTER: Ball op-ed short on facts

The Biden administration has endured some healthy criticism lately, much of it deserved. To be worthy of our attention, though, that criticism must be based on facts. What Dave Ball gives us in his latest article in the <em>Observer-Reporter</em> (Aug. 23), is ...

Canon-Mac needs to publicly debate safety policiesOn June 24, the Canon-McMillan School Board voted unanimously to approve a health and safety plan for the 2021-22 school year. Since then, the delta variant has emerged and caused widespread public debate by school boards locally and nationally ...

Glad that road projects have been completedWe continually hear about the dire need for infrastructure improvements just about everywhere in Pennsylvania. No one likes the delays and detours that huge road projects usually cause. One such long-running project now completed is the intersection of ...

LETTER: Afghanistan was a hopeless cause

Afghanistan was a hopeless causeContrary to the editorial “Afghan Exit Plan Botched” on Thursday, I don’t believe that the exit plan failure in Afghanistan is President Biden’s fault. Sometimes when the fire department responds to a house fire and attempts to rescue the residents, but ...

<span>I am glad to see the media finally calling out President Biden on his catastrophic mishandling of leaving Afghanistan.</span><span>We can add this catastrophe to his handling of the southern border crisis, where a myriad of issues have been left ...