Rebellion tryout date set

The Pennsylvania Rebellion, the newest team in the National Pro Fastpitch League (NPF), will be hosting open tryouts for the inaugural season Friday, Feb. 14 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at C-Side Sports Academy in North Strabane Township.
Participants will be required to bring their own equipment. No metal spikes will be permitted. Drills that could be conducted are pitching, hitting, fielding, timed baserunning and position-specific drills.
Tryouts are open to females ages 21 and over. Players must have completed college eligibility to take part in the tryout. A $60 fee must be sent to the Rebellion prior to the tryout.
The Rebellion will play 24 home games at Consol Energy Park.
For more information, contact Wayne Herrod at 724-579-1068 or visit the Rebellion’s website Registration forms are available online.