
TAGGED : entertainment

Go List 3-7-24

THEATER/FILM/COMEDY Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre’s upcoming performances include: “Spring Mix” from April 5-7; and “Cinderella” from May 17-19, all at the Benedum Center. For tickets, times and additional information, visit “Mamma Mia!,” the musical based on the songs of ...

Go List 1-25-24

THEATER/FILM/COMEDY Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre’s features upcoming performances: “Beauty and the Beast” from Feb. 16-25; “Spring Mix” from April 5-7; and “Cinderella” from May 17-19, all at the Benedum Center. For tickets, times and additional information, visit “Mamma ...

Am I willing to be unwed?

Dear Annie: I'm 67 years old, and I've been married for over 40 years. My marriage has never been particularly happy. Even in the beginning, I felt pressured to get married. We now have two adult children, one 46 and the other 37.I met a woman online, and we've been chatting and talking for ...

UTEP 123, Science and Arts 72

<h2>SCIENCE AND ARTS (0-1)</h2><p class="text-ind">Gatkek 1-3 1-1 4, Pantophlet 1-2 2-2 4, Harrell 0-1 2-4 2, Quezada 7-14 2-2 18, Ray 3-6 0-1 6, Patcha 4-9 7-9 15, Edwards 0-0 0-0 0, Mann 0-4 0-0 0, Causwell 3-6 1-1 7, Cauley 2-2 0-1 5, Blackbear 2-3 ...

Menopause discussions are coming into the open, with a boost from celebs

Pop culture depictions of puberty are common. TV, movies, books and music all frequently showcase the tumult of tweens coming of age.Until recently, the same could not be said of the reverse puberty many women experience as their hormones shift approaching the end of their periods in middle ...