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Chris Kohan

4 min read

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I/’m one of hte ones uniquely everybody expets me to be 100 percent of adult use market, and i am, ubt the deveil is in the details and there are so many edeatils athat haven’t been worked out and to me that’s probelmetati, you ahve to have everything irend out 

I do come at it from medical first, we’re believerst that the medcial market can be expanded first in this market before moving to adult use. Tehre are so many coniitnos taht can be added in, more people can be gettng help from 

With lt. governor running around, it gets everybody excted it’s coming, and year it’s coming, but probably 3-4 years, getting shut down three years in a arow, with 90 ercent of pepoel in support, you stil have republicans in charge of legislatiure, thisis the first step, i applaud the lt. governor for hwat he’s doing, it lets legistlatures and lets them udnerstand where consittuents are. In any state where you have to do it via ledgisltare, legistlatuer has to be convineced, right now there’s a strong coprs of republicans who control the 

I think there’s a claer distinction, people coming in for medical reasons ahve to have medical personnel on site, you deal with it much like goin to any doctor’s office, taht’s a very different audience taht na adult use market, adult use market is like alcohol.  Marijuana is slang, recreatiaton

Adult use market, adult use of cannabis. Like i said they’re very different. Its for people who want to use cannabis like thsoe hwo use alcohol. it’s to get a lttle buzz and healing properties. 

Medical market is not to get a buzz, it’s healing. I think they are two differnet things. The devil is in the details. How are they going to roll it out. Some saying they’rll sell it in teh state stores There are so many  You gotta figure the tax out, from that standpoint, those kinds of things all have to be worked out, in being in this industry, we always – people think when your’e in the cannabis industry, you’re rigch and youre not rich because so much is taxed. We’re not really all that focuesd on the adult use market unelss it ramps up and we see somethign detrimental. In most markets, they give medical dispensareis teh first shot at recreational, you gotta be forward thingking, we conuld convert to two separete bueisnesses, medical and adult use, people who are knowedgaeale on recreational.

Knowing the program, there are so many issue to this, me having gone through this, me and my partner aren’t wealthy, we were awarded a dispensary license, if we weren’t, we would have lost all that money, that $1 million. ?you can be a small dispensayr in adult use, don’t have to put as much money up front. Wehn you ahve an application fee of $15,000 that’s non refundable, adn other things that have to come in to play. It’s unrealistic not knowing your’e dgoing

You get big national companies that didn’t have better faciliteis and such, they have better professional application writers. Those big companies send their apps in and you ahve Joe Q pa. public  You have local like us, we did fundraieriss for community, we’re not a Az based or colorado based ocmpany, it’s jsut 

A lot of what i said is what people have to consider, tell us hwo exactly you plan to do it, how many licenses, how will it be taxed, what effect does it have on the med market, it has to be spelled out very very well for everybody so it makes it clear, these things aren’t often fair. Why can’t they be? So many of our patients we see wanted to be active in the buseinss, Vietnam Vets  – can’t buy it but makes it with flour, he wanted to ahve  System do

I hear this from legislators, putting together a petition , they don’t pay attention, they pay attenion to when 1 person calls, or wants to have a meeting, my advice to everybody for htis or any issue is call your legislator, rep,. whoever it is, and tell them how you feel about 


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