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Herald – Agate
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Baseball Linescores
Section 2-AAAAAA
Latrobe;223;000;0 — 7 10 3
Connellsville;520;100;x — 8 11 1
W: Cameron Dodd. L: Cam Dominick. Sv: Gage Gillott. 2B: Ben Rafferty (L), Matt Henderson (L), Logan Gustafson (L), Tucker Knupp (L), Austin Petraglia (Con), Kade Musgrove (Con). Records: Latrobe (2-5, 7-8), Connellsville (5-3, 9-6).
Section 3-AAAAA
Laurel Highlands;030;00 — 3 5 1
West Allegheny;310;9x — 13 14 0
Logan Malatak. L: Andino Vecchiolla. 2B: Nate Zimcosky (LH), Caleb Scott (LH), Greg Hensh (LH), Luke Lambert (WA), Logan Malatak (WA), Mason Timko (WA). HR: Austin Hendrick (WA) 2. Records: Laurel Highlands (6-3, 9-3), West Allegheny (10-0, 13-2).
Albert Gallatin;010;300;0 — 4 9 1
Chartiers Valley;000;110;0 — 2 7 1
W: Jackson Miller. L: Hughes. Sv: Willie Jackson. 2B: Noah Mildren (AG), Chandler Goodwin (AG), Kenny Lewis (AG). Records: Albert Gallatin (3-7, 4-8), Chartiers Valley (3-6, 3-11).
Section 1-AAAA
Yough;041;000;1 — 6 9 2
Greensburg Salem;005;150;x — 11 11 2
W: Matt Wicker. L: Steve Manon. 2B: Steve Manon (Y), Jack Oberdorf (GS), Reid Admundson (GS). 3B: Matt Wicker (GS), Noah Sweeney (GS). HR: Noah Manns (Y), Aaren Putt (GS). Records: Yough (8-2, 10-5), Greensburg Salem (7-2, 11-2).
Section 3-AAAA
Uniontown;000;000;0 — 0 3 0
Thomas Jefferson;101;000;x — 2 4 0
W: Thomas Dascenzo. L: Wyatt Lepley. 2B: Dylan Mallozzi (TJ). Records: Uniontown (3-8, 3-9), Thomas Jefferson (8-3, 10-5).
Section 1-AA
Chartiers-Houston;000;500;0 — 5 12 2
Brownsville;400;510;x — 10 8 4
W: Rocco Frisco. L: Dustin Weiser. 2B: Austin Kuslock (CH), Rocco Frisco (B), Preston Frost (B), Zachary Kutek (B), Chris Moats (B). 3B: Austin Lincoski (B). Records: Chartiers-Houston (7-2, 9-4), Brownsville (5-4, 9-4).
Fort Cherry;000;003;000 — 3 6 2
Frazier;000;001;201 — 4 14 3
One out when winning run scored.
W: Dom Dorcon. L: Lee Miller. 2B: Tkach (FC), Dan Olbrys (F), Chase Hazelbaker (F), Shane McGavitt (F). Record: Frazier (3-6, 6-8).
Section 2-A
Avella;122;115;2 — 14 13 3
Mapletown;132;300;0 — 9 9 8
W: Rush. L: Clay Menear. 2B: Allen (A), Taylor (A), Jaworowski (A). 3B: Chuck Lash (Map). Record: Mapletown (0-8, 0-11).
Softball Linescores
Mapletown;030;031;0 — 7 7 1
Jefferson-Morgan;002;000;0 — 2 5 4
W: Macee Cree (7ip-5h-2r-1bb-7so). L:Caitlyn Dugan (7ip-7h-7r-3bb-5so). 2B: Savannah Clark (JM), Kailey Stover (M).HR: Hannah Hartley (M), Stover (M). Records: Mapletown (6-3, 9-3), Jefferson-Morgan (7-3, 8-5).
Section 1-AAAA
Greensburg Salem;000;000;0 — 0 4 1
Yough;000;000;1 — 1 6 0
W: Kierra Waywood. L: Rena Caruso. 2B: Katelyn Chilzer (Y). Records: Greensburg Salem (3-6, 5-9), Yough (7-2, 10-5).
Section 2-AAAA
Elizabeth Forward;011;254 — 13 12 0
McKeesport;000;000 — 0 1 4
W: Kailey Larcinese. L: Emily Minnicks. HR: Grace Smith (M). Records: Elizabeth Forward (11-0, 12-3), McKeesport (2-8, 2-8).
Section 2-AAAA
Ringgold;011;000;1 — 3 10 7
Thomas Jefferson;003;130;x — 7 5 0
W: Bella Bucy. L: Jillian Scherer. 2B: Ashlee Selembo (Rin), Haleigh Karcher (TJ), Bella Bucy (TJ), Claire Whalen (TJ). Records: Ringgold (6-4, 6-5), Thomas Jefferson (6-3, 10-3).
Section 3-AAA
Waynesburg Central;000;00 — 0 7 2
South Allegheny;204;22 — 10 12 0
W: Cortney Woytovich. L: Meghan Braun. 2B: Mikala Swearingen (SA) 2, Christina Pasinski (SA), Kennedy Pikula (SA), Olivia Stetz (SA). HR: Sydney Kirkwood (SA), Madison Kirkwood (SA). Records: Waynesburg Central (3-6, 6-7), South Allegheny (7-2, 13-2).
Section 3-AA
McGuffey;021;200;0 — 5 9 0
Charleroi;200;001;0 — 3 9 0
W: Shelby Dobrzynski. L: Kylie Quigley. 3B: Jocelyn Polonoli (Char). Records: McGuffey (4-7, 6-8), Charleroi (4-7, 6-8).
Southmoreland;021;200;0 — 5 12 3
Steel Valley;001;030;0 — 4 5 1
W: Jess Metheny. L: Jaylin Brown. 2B: Jess Metheny (S), Charity Henderson (S). Record: Southmoreland (8-4, 7-4).
Section 2-A
First Game
Avella;000;00 — 0 1 7
West Greene;572;0x — 14 11 0
W: Jade Renner. L: Pollock. 2B: Madison Lampe (WG), McKenna Lampe (WG), Kaitlyn Rizor (WG).
Second Game
Avella;000 — 0 1 7
West Greene;5;(10)x — 15 10 0
W: Kaitlyn Rizor. L: Pollock. 2B: McKenna Lampe (WG). 3B: McKenna Lampe (WG). HR: Madison Lampe (WG). Records: Avella (0-8, 0-11), West Greene (9-0, 13-3).