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Why is it so important to see Pres. Trump and family’s tax returns? I was a wage tax collector for several years and I assure all readers of the Observer-Reporter, many of your neighbors and friends file the same forms as the Trumps and pay little or no taxes. Returns are filled out according to IRS rules and there are pages of such rules. The majority of wage earners do not know how these regulations help many taxpayers escape paying taxes or a fair share.
First, it is no secret your earned income is source for paying payroll taxes without your consent. Using Gross Income each pay, the following taxes are withheld – Federal, State, Social Security, Medicare and living in PA, the wage tax (earned income tax) for your local school district and municipality. Each tax is tax on tax. When the tax was enacted, there was no direction to figure the next tax on the reduced income following each tax deduction.
Second, having a hobby, farming, home occupation or self-employment, your gross income is subject to many allowable deductions, from depreciations for previously purchased equipment to everything you do to make your hobby , farming or occupation produce an annual income. Like the Trumps, following the IRS regulations, there is legal chance you will have little or no NET PROFIT on which to pay taxes – none of them.
Because of IRS rules and regulations, many taxpayers DO NOT PAY TAXES, and they can be your best friend, local official or businessman. Many more than the Trumps are legally not paying taxes so let us get off their backs. As long as our tax laws are enforced, as written, there will always be some one , enjoying, low or no tax payments while receiving all government services. The IRS, State and local officials know this.
As taxpayers, we have elected men and women into government to do a tax reform in Pennsylvania. Since 1973, governors and legislators promised tax reform, not because they felt we should live free. Taxes are enacted to pay for services received. Charting the services available and knowing the resident using, any/or all, the PA taxes named in this letter, could be classified as improper, or illegal, in many cases. This is a Democrat/Republican problem. If you are a voter, it is your responsibility to demand attention to a sick taxing system in our State.
Joann Koziel Diesel